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How To Get A Coupons For February 24, 2025 Step 1: To secure your savings, you're going to click one of our “Get a Deal” buttons. This link will then automatically apply the discount deal when you load your cart on the website. Click our button to have the deal applied. Step 2: Add the items you wish to purchase on to your cart. Step 3: Once you've loaded your cart page, you will see a column on the right side that says "Order Summary". Below your products there is the "Subtotal" for your order, and then it should say "Discount Applied". This means the coupon code has been automatically applied. To the right, you should also see the amount your order total has been lowered. Saving Tips for Fun.comWhen you first load the site, check toward the top of the main page for a bright green alert bar. If they currently have any promotion offers they will be mentioned there. Also make sure to read through the large graphic on the main page for particular items that may be on sale. If you want to save money on your purchase, check the "Sale" link in their main navigation. This is near the top of the main page on the right side in a bright red color. This link will show you every product currently discounted in their store. You can narrow your selection within the "Sale" area on the left side, or you can click on the dropdown menu in the top right corner to sort by "Price (low to high)" and see all of their least expensive products. To pay less for your purchase, use one of our promo code links to secure a discount. You can also secure a discount code link opportunity when you sign-up for their newsletter. At the bottom of their main page on the right side is a blue box with a form to join their email club. You will receive a link for fifteen percent off your first order when you sign up. FAQs About What is their refund policy? accepts exchanges or returns within thirty days of the original purchase date, as long as the item is unused. They have a long return policy full of conditions, including that the item must be unused, in its original packaging, and there will still need to be an 18% restocking fee. They do not refund shipping costs and the customer must pay shipping costs to return the item. |
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About is an online gift store. They sell products for people looking for unique items and geeky products that aren't sold anywhere. Their range of i ...more |